Thursday, August 5, 2010

I need a way to stop chewing my nails. Even if I use something that tastes nasty, ill still do it.?

They are also too short for acrylics, so I cant get them done!

Help me!I need a way to stop chewing my nails. Even if I use something that tastes nasty, ill still do it.?
Try Stop n Grow. It tastes awful but sometimes people can get used to it.

What I find stops me is putting nail polish remover on my nails/fingertips and the taste is really bad! It will also stay in your mouth for ages after makin you really think twice about biting again! Only downside is if you make a sandwich or something then the taste will transfer to that too so you would have to remember to wash it off your hands really well and then reapply it after food!I need a way to stop chewing my nails. Even if I use something that tastes nasty, ill still do it.?
Aversion Therapy - Ask your GP

Eventually you will grow out of this habit, you need to persue with the polish that makes your nails taste horrible because this is a form of aversion therapy, it very well may not work first time around but it forms sub consciously and it will avert you from chewing your nails because of the bad taste. It will bring this sense, if i chew my nails it tastes horrible so therefore you stop doing it

i hope that helps
I disagree that this is something you grow out of.

I know several people who are adults that have bitten their nails all their life. Some of the ones I know grew up in an uptight family or a family that are perfectionist or expect perfection out of their family member. Some of the others had some tragedy or trauma happen to them in childhood and it affected them all their life. There are probably many other reasons also.

Did you know that there are even movie stars that bite their nails?

Bitting your nails does not make you a bad person, so don't let others put you down or make fun of you just because you have this habit. Those people are not your friends if they do.

People on the outside do not know what you think, feel or what you go through in your life, so they have no right to try to judge you or make fun of you.

I think the post that used the gloves is a very good idea. You could make a list of when you bite your nails and why (reading, watching t.v. or studying) After you determine the pattern, then wear the gloves each time you do one of the things that cause you to bite your nails.

Another idea is to keep a locked diary so you can write down your hopes, dreams, and what upsets you or bothers you in life. Write out the problem then write out a solution to that problem.

Example: Stressed over a class.

Solution: Prepare and study for the class, ask a friend, family member, teacher or tutor for extra help. Sometimes just reading over the chapter each night will help you understand it.

Example: A friend, boyfriend or girlfriend is not treating you right. They may be talking behind your back, talking bad to your face or making fun of you.

Solution: You deserve to be treated with respect so you may need to end that relationship and move on to positive people that will encourage you and help you to grow as a person.

Hope some of this will help you.
In used to chew my nails until I was into the actual finger. My solution was to wear a pair of thin gloves at all times, even though they looked silly. After a few weeks, I had given up the urge to chew and was so proud of my acheivement!! That was more than ten years ago and I have a cracking set of nails that even a top hollywood celeb would be proud of!!!!!!!!
Well this is what i did.. I got hypnotized! Well not really hypnotized but i went to a fair with a hypnotist and afterwards he was selling dvd's in which he got you relaxed and just talked me out of biting my nails..
Chewing nails is the most disgusting habit for anyone. Just stop chewing them. You are a nervous person that's why you chew your nails. Boss don't employ these kind of people, nobody likes you to.
even though theyre too short for acrylics, get them painted really cute. then you wont want to bite the polish off cuz youll mess them up. as soon as they chip, though, you have to redo them
I stopped bitting mine last week and they are getting longer now , buy some anit-bite stuff (its so horrible!!!). i gave up because it was that bad i was almost sick each time i put my finger in my mouth.

good luck x
Go to the dentist and get all your teeth taken out so you cant bite them anymore
roll duct tape or masking tape on the tips of them, that should work.

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