Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you think it is disgusting to cut your nails in public?

I hate when someone does that, seems like a private kind of activity...do you have any others that you detest???Do you think it is disgusting to cut your nails in public?
I was watching this guy stick his hands down his pants to adjust himself in starbucks the other day. it was like he was moving furniture with my wife, he looked like he had found the perfect spot then ooops, hand down the pants again. it was really very charming, made him look almost folksy.Do you think it is disgusting to cut your nails in public?
I also think it is disgusting. There are some nasty germs under our fingernails that those people are spreading around like it's no big deal. And, it's a grooming activity. Animals groom themselves in front of others, humans are more civilized (well, some of them) and should do things like that in the privacy of their own home.
Popping a zit in public probably isn't very good either is it? Didn't think so.

What about pulling ear wax out of your ear and rubbing it on the chair? Nope...not good either eh?

What about when your scab falls off and you not only leave it but lingering blood in a trail behind you? Yeah, I'm sorta thinking that might be too sanitary either.

Just a few things that sorta kinda came to mind.
It's okay. I hate it when people pick their nose and eat their boogers in public, it's just wrong!
No if you need to you need.
Yes, it is disgusting! I work in a doctor's and believe it or not, I've seen several people clipping away at their nails in our lobby! That is gross. This is an activity that should be done at home in your bathroom. I also hate it when people cough and sneeze right in your face and not even offer to cover their mouth. Sometimes, I think people were raised in the wild.
Lighten up. We are all human and make mistakes. Who cares it isn't hurting anyone.
Yes, it is disgusting to cut your nails in public. It is a unhealthy image for others to see. I also don't like seeing people dig in their nose.
Driving down the road and casually looking over and seeing someone diggen for booger nuggets.
omg that is nasty!! also redoing oyur belt or zipping up your pants outside the stall!! gross!!
Only your toe nails.
Something not genarally accepted in society. I know my dorm mates hate that, just be sure to properly dispose of 'em afterword. Thats the most important and key part right there. Those things will kill ya if they get stuck in a foot. *shudders in discust.
That is sooooooooo disgusting and rude. I hate that.
YES..hate it

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